Pendo for your employees

Digital adoption, powered by intelligence

Don't just patch holes in your employee workflows, optimize them long-term with Pendo’s intelligent digital adoption platform.
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Trusted by leading companies around the world
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OpenTable logo Okta-logo Labcorp logo JLL logo United Airlines logo Salesforce logo Logo Covetrus logo iRobot logo Customer_Logo_Black_HMH Henry Schein logo Bright Horizons logo Infor logo Verizon Connect logo Customer_Logo_Black_Pagerduty Zendesk logo Cision logo

Guarantee a positive ROI from your software

Portfolio analytics
Usage visibility
Get AI-powered insights into how your people use software, what they are and aren’t using, where they get stuck, and what actually works.
Maximize adoption
Understand what’s blocking employee productivity and when—and then fix it with automated in-app support.
Improve your technology ROI
Ensure software usage, eliminate waste, and avoid employee compliance issues.
  • Red_Hat_Logo
    “Our sellers want to be out making more sales for Red Hat as a whole. [With Pendo], we’re reducing the sales cycle time [saving over 1,100 hours of needless rework] —and that’s a win.” Cheryl Coleman | Senior Manager, Digital Adoption and Robotic Process Automation, Red Hat

Want to see for yourself?

Schedule a custom demo and have an expert show you how Pendo works.
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Not ready to talk to sales? Explore data-driven digital adoption with Pendo on your own with a self-guided tour.
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How can Pendo help you?

Explore our use cases to see how Pendo can help you create the digital workplace experiences your employees want.
Identify which tools drive business outcomes and eliminate those that don’t.
Understand how employees work to personalize and optimize their software experiences.
Make it easy for employees to comply with what’s expected of them.
Accelerate proficiency and reinforce ideal journeys based on the behaviors of power users.
Support employees with contextual guidance, when and where they need it.
Guide employees through change and standardize workflows with data-informed insights.

See for yourself

Get going with Pendo and see what we can do for your organization.
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Digital adoption solutions for every size
Customized, straightforward plans means you’ll find the perfect Pendo for you.
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