Pendo for employees

Pendo for Salesforce

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How Pendo boosts employee productivity and compliance in Salesforce

Pendo product adoption, in-app guides
Improve onboarding
Enable your new employees to ramp up faster with in-app guidance. Understand and fix areas where they continue to get stuck, so they start executing business-critical workflows in no time.
Streamline workflows and accelerate process adoption
It’s not just new employees who need tips and tricks to boost productivity and maintain compliance. Armed with a clear understanding of how they use Salesforce today, support your seasoned employees with tailored, in-app guidance so they continue to follow best practices.
Mitigate compliance risk
Ensure your employees are following compliance regulations across any workflow and meet key regulatory and compliance standards
Drive digital adoption across all Salesforce Clouds
With Pendo’s intelligent digital adoption solution available across all 14 Salesforce Cloud platforms, Salesforce users can now have a seamless journey across the apps required to perform their jobs.

The best way to boost productivity in Salesforce

An intelligent digital adoption platform can move the needle like no other tool.
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Pendo on Salesforce Appexchange

Streamline workflows, reduce ramp time, and make change management easy with Pendo.

Want to see for yourself?

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