Pendo for Microsoft Dynamics

Maximize the return on your Microsoft Dynamics investment

Deliver personalized onboarding and support for your employees, in any Dynamics 365 app.
Learn more about Pendo
Trusted by leading companies around the world
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Get more from Microsoft Dynamics 365

In-app guides for MS Dynamics
Streamline implementation
Drive adoption, enable self-service, and manage change with analytics and in-app guides.
Improve business processes
Identify inefficiencies and underutilized features as employees work within Dynamics 365.
Validate and iterate quickly
Measure process adoption, workflow productivity, and app use—and keep driving rapid improvement.
  • customer_logo-essity
    We feel that [Pendo] is helping us turn our software into something that our users can really value and that can really help them to do their job on a daily basis—not just another tool that they have to use. Debbie Wiggins | Business Systems Director
Improve onboarding


Essity onboarded 1200 users across 38 countries onto Dynamics CRM during the pandemic.

Streamlined onboarding, at scale

How can Pendo help you?

Explore our use cases to see how Pendo can help you create the digital workplace experiences your employees want.
Identify which tools drive business outcomes and eliminate those that don’t.
Understand how employees work to personalize and optimize their software experiences.
Make it easy for employees to comply with what’s expected of them.
Accelerate proficiency and reinforce ideal journeys based on the behaviors of power users.
Support employees with contextual guidance, when and where they need it.
Guide employees through change and standardize workflows with data-informed insights.

See for yourself

Get going with Pendo and see what we can do for your organization.
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Solutions for every size
Customized, straightforward plans means you’ll find the perfect Pendo for you.
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